Peer Scholars workshops

Peer Scholars workshops

Peer Scholars workshops are run through the NC State University Libraries and led by postdoctoral scholars and graduate students with specific research skills, including (but not limited to) design, programming, analytics, immersive technologies, visualization, and data analytics. Peer Scholars workshops this semester include “Keeping Up with the Scholars: Twitter Edition,” “Unity Development for Virtual Reality,” “Academic Posters 101,” and more.

The Peer Scholars workshop schedule for the spring 2019 semester is:

Unity Development for Virtual Reality
Monday, Feb. 18, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Apr. 16, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
V.R. Studio (D. H. Hill Jr.)
This hands-on interactive workshop introduces participants to Virtual Reality content creation using the Unity game engine. During the workshop, participants will become familiarized with the Unity interface and develop skills needed to set up, create, and build a virtual reality experience for VR headsets.

Monday, Feb. 4, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 11, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Teaching & Visualization Lab (Hunt)
MATLAByrinth is a series of four comprehensive workshops where one can learn about using tools available in MATLAB for modelling complex scientific problems. The first and second workshops begin with an introduction to the basics of programming using MATLAB followed by multiple exercises to ease into various concepts like vectors, matrices, arrays, looping, decision making, functions and plotting. The session ends with utilizing all the concepts learnt to model two real life scenarios followed by a small quiz to briefly revisit what was taught. This workshop is highly recommended for students who aren’t very familiar with programming or have lost touch using the software. The third and fourth workshops address complex mathematical modelling using algebra, calculus and advanced plotting which will be very useful for undergraduate students and graduate students at the beginner level of scientific research with some background in programming.

Academic Posters 101
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
ITTC 2 (D. H. Hill Jr.)
Academic posters are a great way to visualize data and share research findings with diverse audiences. In Academic Posters 101 we will identify the benefits of academic posters, compare the strengths and weaknesses of sample posters and discuss the key design elements and why they differ depending upon the audience. We encourage you to bring drafts of your posters or ideas preparing to be converted to poster, as we prepare to research conference season. There will be time at the end for help!

Keeping Up with the Scholars: Twitter Edition
Tuesday, Apr. 2, 11:a.m.-12:30 p.m.
ITTC 2 (D. H. Hill Jr.)
Recently, different fields in academic are taking to Twitter for professional networking, self-promotion of research and to discuss pressing issues in society. For students and faculty, this social media outlet can be a phenomenal resource to stay up to date and be visible. In Keeping Up with the Scholars: Twitter Edition, we will highlight the potential of Twitter to advance your disciplinary knowledge and connections, offer tips for building and maintaining your account and give suggestions for branding yourself and research effectively. We encourage you to bring an electronic device to sign up or sign into Twitter!